Last night our school had a field trip to see the Opera. Of course I had to go because we are in Italy and I love theatre and my dad put it on his list of things for me to accomplish while abroad. Even though it was a great experience, I think I’ll stick to musicals from now on. Maybe it’s because I couldn’t understand a word they were saying (even though they had subtitles for us-in Italian) but I must be more partial to the happy singing and dancing in crowd pleasers such as Wicked.
All the actors had beautiful and powerful voices but the show was about 4 hours long and I had maxed out at around 2 ½. We were given a synopsis to read before the show so when it came to the final act I already knew the main character was going to sniff some flowers that were given to her “anonymously” and die from the poison her arch nemesis had put in them. I did not, however, know that this woman must have been some type of cat because she literally died 9 different times. They took the phrase “encore” to a whole other level. Once the woman had taken her final breath after her fourth dramatic faint to the ground, the whole audience was uproarious with applause. “Bravo! Bravo!”
After the show, my roommate, Marissa, and I decided to treat ourselves to some gelato. Unfortunately we arrived right as the shop was closing but since we had been there before, the generous Italian gelato shop owner gave us free waffles with nutella. Theatre and free dessert in one night=successful evening.
While on the subject of food, tonight we stumbled upon one of the best deals in Florence. Every Wednesday at this cooking school in town, they have all you can eat apperitivo plus one glass of wine for four euro. We piled our plates high from the buffet with food from all different regions. I was thouroughly enjoying my Spanish soup until I found out that “tripe” is not a type of fish like I though, but actually cow’s stomach. Vile. Other than that, my meal was delicious which was obvious from the fact that our group did quite a bit of damage on all the food they had laying out for us in the buffet. I also met a guy who is American but had been living in Italy for almost two years and he’s only a little bit older than us. I might be following in his footsteps…
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